
Novena – Day 9

We pray that we all may be committed to building the kingdom of justice, love and peace.

Novena – Day 8

We pray for those for those who experience destitution.

Novena – Day 7

We pray for those who have to leave their countries due to war, poverty or fear of persecution.

Novena – Day 6

We pray for those who are disabled.

Novena – Day 4

We pray for those who experience destitution.

Novena – Day 3

We pray for those who are discerning the best use of their personal resources.

Novena – Day 2

We pray for those who experience abuse and violence.

Novena - Day 1

We pray for those who experience mental anguish.

Never tire in the defence of life

The final day of our Novena for Life calls on us to never tire of firmly speaking out in defence of life.

God's infinite Mercy

Reflect on how abortion is a grave sin, but there is no sin that God’s mercy cannot reach and wipe away.

Stand up for Life

Day Seven of our Novena for Life calls on us to Stand up for Life; to work and pray against abortion.

Defend the innocent unborn

Defend the innocence of the unborn and the diginity of Human Life.

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