Jubilee Year

Poverty and the Un-holy

The Jerusalem elites who Jesus clashes with prioritise the Purity codes.

Purity and Debt

These codes apply to the table, the household and the sanctuary.

Jesus’ Interpretation of the Torah

In Galilee the Torah was in dispute so Jesus’ teaching and action reveal how he read and interpreted the Scriptures

Jesus and the Proclamation of Jubilee

In Galilee Jesus develops rituals of reversal and we begin to see interpretations of the Great Tradition.

The vision of Jubilee in Deuteronomy

A series of laws about debts, which can be found in Deuteronomy 15 and 24.

Jubilee in the Catholic Church

In the Catholic Church, the concept of Jubilee or ‘Holy Year’ was used to declare special years for forgiveness and reconciliation. 

Caring for Our Communities

This Jubilee Year reminds us that our policies and practises can be challenged.

The Jubilee and Jesus

Jesus identified himself and his ministry with the eschatological implications of the Jubilee year.

The development of the Jubilee theme in Scripture

The Pentateuch playa a major role both among the Israelites and in the emerging Christian church in the New Testament.  

Forgiveness and freedom in the Old Testament

The Day of Atonement is the most solemn day of the year.

Household unit

Socio-economic solutions to keep the family together in difficult times.

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