
The different forms of prayer or spirituality are ‘like the colours of the spectrum which all point to the pure light of God. They all start with a fundamental element of faith, so as to lead — in each case by a different gate—to the centre of the faith and devotion to God.

Responding to the Psalms

Deeper reflection on the Responsorial Psalm from the Sunday Liturgy of the Word

Sinners Called to Holiness

A reflection on the Universal Call to Holiness and the place of prayer in Vatican II.


Spirituality is how we interact, engage and deepen our relationship with God

Spirituality Resources

Follow up materials to use with "Do you Love Me?"


Members of the Spirituality Committee aim to visit 2-3 dioceses each year.

Consultation Days

Annual event bringing together spirituality representatives.


Spirituality document to help deepen relationship with the Lord.