
Good Wednesday

Why is Wednesday in Holy Week called Good Wendesday?

Good Friday

On Good Friday we celebrate the Passion and Death of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Maundy Thursday

Why is this day called Maundy Thursday?

Fifth Sunday of Lent Gospel reflection by Sister Elaine.

Fifth Sunday of Lent Gospel reflection by Sister Elaine.

Fourth Sunday of Lent Gospel reflection by Bishop Philip Moger

Fourth Sunday of Lent Gospel reflection by Bishop Philip Moger

A Reflection on the Gospel for the Third Sunday of Lent.

A Reflection on the Gospel for the Third Sunday of Lent 2024.

Second Sunday of Lent reflection

Second Sunday of Lent reflection by Martin Foster

Reflection on the Gospel for first Sunday of Lent 2024

Reflection on the Gospel, Mark 1:12-15, for first Sunday of Lent 2024

Resources for Lent

Resources for Lent

We Dare to Say

A resource for faith-sharing groups on The Lord's Prayer.

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