Racial Justice

Racial justice depends upon many things, including learning from our history. We share a commitment to properly recognise the profound importance and value of the UK’s migrant and ethnic minority communities, never allowing their human dignity to be violated.

St Teresa of Calcutta

Nalini Nathan explains why St Teresa of Calcutta is a saint close to her heart.

RJS24 Theme

Questions to help facilitate discussion in your parish, group or school.

Bishop's Message

Bishop McAleenan's message for Racial Justice Sunday.

Schools' Resources

A suite of useful school resources for Racial Justice Sunday 2024.

Saint Oscar Romero

Archbishop of San Salvador and a champion of diversity and social justice.

Saint Augustine of Hippo  

Philosopher, theologian, and graced author of Berber origin.

Saint Charbel

Maronite priest, monk, and hermit who lived in 19th Century Lebanon.

Saint Augustine Zhao Rong

Priest and martyr who preached the gospel in the western Sichuan Province of China.

Saint Kizito

Kizito is the patron saint of children and primary schools.

RJS 2023

All are included in the mission of Christ and His Church. Let us walk together, pray together and work together.

Racial Justice Sunday

Opposing racism and pursuing racial justice with renewed vigour.

Blessed Michael Iwene Tansi

Blessed Michael Cyprian Iwene Tansi was born in September 1903 in Nigeria.

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