Day For Life

Day for Life is the day in the Church’s year dedicated to raising awareness about the meaning and value of human life at every stage and in every condition.


Prayers for the intercession of St Joseph, patron of the unborn.

Rachel's Vineyard

Helping those suffering from the trauma of abortion.

Help and Support

Three organisations that can help.

DFL 2023 Message

One woman's story offering the opportunity for hope, healing and reconciliation.

Pope Francis' Day for Life Message

Pope offers offers support and prayers for Day for Life.

Prayer for the Elderly

Prayers for the elderly for Day for Life 2022.


Make a secure donation to support life from conception to natural end.

Bishop's Message

We invite people to think again about the value and worth of older persons.

Day for Life 2022

Day for Life 2022 focused on caring for and valuing the elderly.

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