
The word ‘catechesis’ comes from the Greek for “echo” and is intended to nurture the Christian life through imitation in word and deed. The main sources for all catechesis are the Sacred Scriptures and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Module Two

Catechesi Tridendae Study Guide - Module Two.

Module One

Catechesi Tradendae Study Guide - Module One.

Catechesi Tradendae

Pope Saint John Paul II's 'Catechesi Tradendae'


Introduction to the Catechism of the Catholic Church


Catechesis is a ministry of teaching that passes on the Word of God to form the Catholic community

Education and Formation

The Department of Catholic Education and Formation is responsible for promoting Catholic education as well as encouraging lay, priestly and religious vocations.

Evangelisation and Discipleship

The Department of Evangelisation & Discipleship assists the Bishops’ Conference to help Catholics know and share their faith.

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