
Resolutions and Short Statements

Short statements and resolutions from the Bishops' Autumn Plenary 2024

Ukrainian Holodomor

Let us pray that the trauma being inflicted in our days may cease, and that the wounds of the past may heal but never be forgotten.

Assisted Suicide

Joint statement on Assisted Suicide ahead of the Second Reading of the Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill.

Episcopal Commission Appointments

Appointments to the Principal Officers and Chairs of the Episcopal Commissions

Synod on Synodality

Plenary resolution on the Synod on Synodality.

Short Plenary Resolutions

Short resolutions released after the Bishops' Autumn Plenary 2023.

Environmental Matters

Resolutions focussing on environmental matters.

Short Plenary Resolutions

Short Resolutions from the Autumn Plenary 2022.

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