Blessing of Lectionaries and Books of the Gospels

A Form of Blessing of Lectionaries and Books of the Gospels for use in Mass in England and Wales.

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The new edition of the Lectionary for Mass (Ordo Lectionum Missae) confirmed by the Apostolic See in 2023 comes into use in England and Wales on the First Sunday of Advent 2024.

By decree of the Bishops’ Conference, “From that date forward, no other English language edition of the Lectionary for Mass may be used in the dioceses of England and Wales.”

The General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM) states:

Special care must be taken to ensure that the liturgical books, particularly the Book of the Gospels and the Lectionary, which are intended for the proclamation of the Word of God and hence receive special veneration, are to be in a liturgical action truly signs and symbols of higher realities and hence should be truly worthy, dignified, and beautiful. (N.349)

This is further explained in the pastoral instruction Celebrating the Mass given by the Bishops of England and Wales:

The ritual books – principally the Roman Missal and the Lectionary/Book of the Gospels – used in the celebration of the Eucharist serve to communicate God’s presence to us in the word or to signify the Church’s loving and full response to God. In both capacities they facilitate the action of Christ in the Church.

Books from which the word of God is proclaimed are treated with veneration. They need to be of large size, strong binding, and noble design. Care should be taken that by virtue of their worth, dignity and beauty, the Lectionary and Book of the Gospels can serve as signs and symbols of higher realities. (N.124)

With this in mind and with a new moment in the life of the Church in these countries with the Liturgy of the Word now to be proclaimed from the English Standard Version – Catholic Edition (ESV-CE) of the Bible it is appropriate that these new Lectionaries and Book of the Gospels be blessed before they are taken for use to the ‘table of God’s Word’ from which we grow in wisdom.

A Form of Blessing of Lectionaries and Books of the Gospels

The blessing is used during Mass after the Collect; the congregation is seated and prepared to hear the Word of God.

The priest facing the congregation and standing close to the Ambo receives the Volumes at the hands of Readers/Proclaimers of the Word and (Deacon) with hands joined, he says:

The word of God, proclaimed in the sacred Scripture, enlightens our minds and hearts. When the Scriptures are read in the liturgical assembly, God speaks to us and calls us to respond in faith and love.

In the First Letter of Peter we read:

‘… love one another earnestly from a pure heart, since you have been born again, not of perishable seed but of imperishable, through the living and abiding word of God; for;

“All flesh is like grass and its glory like the flower of grass.
The grass withers and the flower falls,
but the word of the Lord remains for ever.”
And this word is the good news that was preached to you.’ (1 Peter 1:23-25. ESV-CE)

The blessing of new books of sacred Scripture, these new Lectionaries (and Books of the Gospels) is important to the life of the Church, for they contain within them God’s living word. We ask God to bless these books and all of us who will listen to the word of the Lord.

May the word of God proclaimed in this place unfold for us the mystery of Christ and achieve your salvation within the Church.

All may make the following response:

May the word of the Lord take root in our hearts and bring forth a rich harvest.

All pause for a moment of silent prayer, before the celebrant, with hands outstretched, continues:

Everlasting God,
when he read in the synagogue at Nazareth,
your Son proclaimed the good news of salvation
for which he would give us his life.
Bless these Lectionaries (and Book of the Gospels).
As they contain your words of life,
strengthen by them the faith of your people
who, with conviction and boldness,
put into practice in their lives what they hear in your word.
We ask this through the Word-made-flesh, Christ our Lord.

The celebrant sprinkles the books with holy water.

The Lectionaries are taken to the Ambo, the Book of the Gospels is placed on the Altar.
Mass continues with the First Reading.