The government has confirmed that collective worship can resume in churches and other places of worship when the national lockdown expires on 2 December. This decision applies across all three tiers of COVID-19 restrictions in England.
On behalf of the Bishops, the General Secretary of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, Canon Christopher Thomas, commented:
“The Catholic Community in England is delighted at the Government’s decision to allow the resumption of collective worship following the national lockdown in all three tiers.
“This decision reflects the importance of the right of all people to express their faith in worship, but more importantly, it is an acknowledgement of the active collaboration the church has had with public officials in developing COVID-secure protocols in our churches.
“As we move forward, it is incumbent on all who come to worship God in our churches to play their part in keeping themselves and others safe by following all of the guidance that has been prepared.
“Through our encounter with Christ in the Eucharist and other sacraments celebrated in the Church, the works of charity which have been expressed through Catholic charities and communities over the last nine months finds its source and goal.”