Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of our Lenten journey, calling us to repentance and renewal. The ashes we receive on our foreheads remind us of our mortality and the need for conversion.

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Theme: A Call to Repentance 

Gospel: Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18 

First Reading: Joel 2:12-18 

Psalm: Psalm 50(51):3-6, 12-14, 17 

Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:20–6:2 


Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of our Lenten journey, calling us to repentance and renewal. The ashes we receive on our foreheads remind us of our mortality and the need for conversion. In today’s Gospel, Jesus teaches about sincere fasting, prayer, and almsgiving—practices that draw us closer to God. Lent is not merely a time for external observance but an opportunity for inner transformation. 

As we enter into this sacred season, we are invited to reflect on the state of our hearts. Are we living in alignment with God’s will? Do we seek to deepen our relationship with Him through humility and trust? The call to “return to the Lord with all your heart” (Joel 2:12) urges us to embrace this time of grace and renewal with sincerity. 


Lord, as we enter this holy season of Lent, we come before You with humble heart. In the quiet of the wilderness, help us to hear Your voice and respond with hearts open to change. Guide us through the trials that shape our faith and draw us closer to You. Help us to turn away from distractions and sin and renew our spirits with Your grace. May this time of reflection and repentance lead us to understand the depths of Your love. Strengthen us to walk in the path of Your love, now and always. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord, Amen. 

Action step

Choose one area of your life where you feel called to deeper conversion and make a concrete plan to change during Lent.