Archbishop Vincent Nichols of Westminster, President of the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, has welcomed the formation of a Pontifical Council to promote New Evangelisation:
“I welcome the establishment of the Pontifical Council for the promotion of New Evangelisation focussed on situations in which, even though the Christian Gospel has shaped an entire culture, there is now a kind of ‘eclipse of the sense of God‘.
“This initiative identifies a challenge with which many in the Catholic Church, and many in other Christian communities, are familiar. New vitality, confidence and sensitivity are needed in order to propose afresh the great gift of the Christian faith, which serves our humanity and brings such joy to everyday life. This faith is not a theory, nor an ideology, nor a political agenda. It is knowledge and love of the person of Jesus Christ who, for those who accept him, becomes the Way the Truth and the Life.
“We look forward to cooperating with this new Pontifical Council when it begins its important work.”
+Vincent Nichols
Archbishop of Westminster
President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales.