Apostolat Militaire International appoints new Secretary General from the UK

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The International Catholic military lay organisation, Apostolat Militaire International (AMI), has elected The Reverend (Squadron Leader) Neil Galloway as its new Secretary General.

A Vatican-sponsored NGO of 40 full and associate member nations, AMI announced the election after its General Assembly and Conference in Mombasa, Kenya on 12 September 2024.

This is the first time that the UK Catholic Bishopric of the Forces has been asked to take on the Secretariat role and lead the AMI.

Padre Galloway, a deacon who served as a combatant within the RAF and is a chaplain in Strategic Command, has a long association with the Catholic military lay organisation, having contributed to many of AMI’s major undertakings in recent years.

“I am greatly honoured to be elected by the AMI General Assembly to serve as the Secretary General of the Apostolat Militare International,” he said. “I pray that my service can further support and enhance the magnificent work of the AMI as it continues to strengthen Christian values within Armed Forces worldwide.”

The Catholic Bishop of the Forces, Bishop Paul Mason, warmly welcomed the news.

“Padre Neil Galloway’s election as Apostolat Militaire International’s General Secretary enables him to represent the Bishopric, HM Forces and the Royal Air Force at the highest international levels,” said Bishop Mason. “As an adviser to the Holy See on military issues it will also give the United Kingdom an influential voice in shaping and informing moral debate on armed conflict.

“In recent years it has been pivotal in informing and shaping the Vatican’s thinking on nuclear deterrence, the use of sexual violence in conflict and Moral Injury. I wish Padre Neil every success as he takes on this significant role.”

Padre Galloway’s role will help the UK Armed Forces community in strengthening existing links as well as presenting the opportunity to build new relationships that will benefit the next generation of personnel.

The UK has been a full and active member of the Apostolat Militaire International since its founding in 1965.


Rev (Sqn Ldr) Neil Galloway MBE RAF, AMI Secretary General, left.

Vice admiral (ret) Matthieu Borsboom, AMI President, right.

Provided by Padre Neil Galloway and used with permission.