Care of Creation

Pope Francis released his message for the 2024 World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, and appeals for humanity’s conversion so that we acknowledge the disastrous effects of war and set ethical limits on the development of artificial intelligence. Read More.

General Election 2024

The Prime Minister has called a general election for Thursday, 4 July. We have a section of resources offering information and guidance on key issues of importance to us, as Catholics, to help inform how we vote. Read more.

President of the Bishops’ Conference, Cardinal Vincent Nichols, is asking voters to be active rather than passive to engage with politicians on the key issues. “You want to know what your candidate will think and say on your behalf when that candidate gets into Parliament,” says the Cardinal. “I would like to put forward a theme for us all to think about. How do we seek to construct a society in which families can flourish? That’s the bedrock”. Resources and message here.

Podcast: Hospices “help you live until you die”

With this year’s Day for Life taking as it’s theme care at the end of life, it is fitting that this Catholic News podcast, produced in partnership with the Centre for the Art of Dying Well, goes behind the scenes at St Joseph’s Hospice in Hackney, East London, to challenge stereotypes and find out how they provide high quality patient-centred care for the dying person.

Listen below or visit our podcast section to subscribe.

Catholic News
Catholic News
Hospices “help you live until you die”

Called to be Peacemakers

The Bishops of our International Affairs department have released a new document offering a Catholic approach to arms control and disarmament titled Called to be Peacemakers. It argues that if Catholics are to take up the call to stand as peacemakers in our troubled world, an integral part of this mission involves working to limit the proliferation of weapons and to advance the cause of global disarmament. The document stresses that every human life lost to violence and conflict is a tragedy for our universal family. Read online or download a PDF version below.

New Lectionary – Advent 2024

A new edition of the Lectionary, the book which contains the readings which are proclaimed at Mass, will come into use in England and Wales on the First Sunday of Advent 2024.

For information and resources on the new Lectionary, visit the dedicated section in our What’s On area.

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