There is no better way to establish political life on a truly human basis than by fostering an inward sense of justice and kindliness, and of service to the common good.
There is no better way to establish political life on a truly human basis than by fostering an inward sense of justice and kindliness, and of service to the common good.
Gaudium et Spes, sec. 73.
Government leaders should be the first to make the sacrifices that foster encounter.
Fratelli Tutti, sec. 190.
The Scriptures take a critical view of the many kings of Israel who represent an often, abusive, centralised national power (1 Samuel 8). We see the result of the breakdown in the fall of the kingdom and the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple (2 Kings 24-25). The true King of Israel and of the world is God (Psalms 95-99). His messengers are the prophets who serve him as their true King and who cry out for justice and liberation. ‘Woe to those who make iniquitous decrees, who write oppressive statutes, to turn aside the needy from justice and to rob the poor of my people of their right…’ (Isaiah 10:1-2a).
Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Amos and Micah constantly speak on behalf of the marginalised. They are the social reformers who oppose the bastions of power – the bad kings, corrupt judges and flawed institutions, including religious leaders and the wealthy, in support of the poor and oppressed. They command the people to: “hate evil and love good, and establish justice at the gate” (Amos 5:15). Later, Jesus becomes the ultimate prophet dying for justice as well as speaking up for it.
We still have prophets in our own time. Their voice and leadership can speak just as powerfully to our hearts and minds. The prophetic role of Pope Francis in particular, has challenged us to think and live in radically new ways.
Going Deeper/Further Reading:
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